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What should you do in case of a road accident?

tPara"> If there is an accident causing injury or damage to any person, animal, vehicle or property, the driver of that vehicle should render all possible help to the injured.

He should also report the matter to the nearest police station, within 24 hours of the occurrence of such accident. According to the provisions of Section 134 of the Motor Vehicles' Act, the driver/owner of the vehicle involved in an accident is responsible to convey the injured to the nearest hospital or clinic. The doctor so approached shall be duty bound to render necessary medical aid or treatment without waiting for any procedural formalities.

Here are some Do's and Don'ts, in the event of an accident:


  • Keep calm
  • Switch off the car engine
  • Apply parking brakes
  • Switch on hazard warning lights
  • Cordon off the area of accident
  • Help the injured
  • Take down the names and addresses of the witnesses and registration numbers of the vehicles involved
  • Report the matter to the police and
  • Take down the name and the number of the policeman who arrives at the scene.


  • Do not panic
  • Do not argue with anyone and
  • Do not handle the injured unless it is necessary as a life saving measure.
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